Raspberry Vinaigrette

It’s time to harvest our raspberries and so here I have a quick and easy recipe for you to make the most of your crop.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Yum! Grab 2 handfuls of raspberries,        2 tbsp of lemon juice,                     6-8 tbsp. of olive oil,                         1 tbsp whole grain mustard,            White wine vinegar to your taste       A  few sprigs of fresh parsley and blend.                                          Place in a sterilised bottle and put on an air tight lid!                            This yummy dressing can last for several months or 6-8 weeks after opening!

Space Craft

Our surroundhome sweet homeings become a mirror of our inner workings. With the thoughts we allow to come in and the thoughts we allow to go out our intentions become visible. What do we have around us, who do we have around us and why? Cut away the decay and create a space you want to hold.                                          As a conscious being…this is our craft.


Om Mani Padme Hum x

Sit with things as they are

Find your spaceSit with things as they are and let go.                                                                   Breathe in your freedom….Breathe out your restraints.                                                              The chains we put around ourselves are heavy and fearful.                                                                     However…..It is wise to remember that they are also invisible.

Changing Seasons


Nature shows us how we organically unfold and move through each of our phases.                                          May we face our transitions with strength and wisdom and appreciate the changing colours of our seasons.

People Can Do Wonderful Things

Nurturing NatureIn todays society we are drifting from the essential knowledge and abundant gifts that nature surrounds us with. As humans we benefit from touching base with nature as often as possible.
Many years ago a friend of mine had the wish to have his own land and what he has now achieved is amazing, truly beautiful and open for anyone to share. So if its a sense of community, back to roots education, understanding wildlife and its significance, nature awareness, wild camping or giving back and volunteering that you are after or even simply sitting and looking out at some beautiful views then come along and join the Green Phoenix Tribe and see what exciting discoveries and offers they have in store!https://www.facebook.com/Coedphoenix?hc_location=stream

Savasana: Body Scan


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An extremely flexible awareness exercise to bring you into the present moment.                                             Body scanning can last 30 seconds or 30 minutes depending on the time you have and is certainly beneficial in either capacity. Starting in a comfortable position let your focus … Continue reading