Space Craft

Our surroundhome sweet homeings become a mirror of our inner workings. With the thoughts we allow to come in and the thoughts we allow to go out our intentions become visible. What do we have around us, who do we have around us and why? Cut away the decay and create a space you want to hold.                                          As a conscious being…this is our craft.


Om Mani Padme Hum x

Changing Seasons


Nature shows us how we organically unfold and move through each of our phases.                                          May we face our transitions with strength and wisdom and appreciate the changing colours of our seasons.

Bend It… Shape It… Anyway You Want It…You’ve Got The Power To Turn On The Light!

LifeA simple change in your physiology can make all the difference to your mood and outlook. Every cell in your body is bursting with life…give them some loving attention and breathe some energy into your body and your day. Wishing you a vibrant and inspiring morning. It can be whatever you choose.